- Parent Category: Power Systems
- Category: Power Flow Test Systems
- Hits: 43462
118-Bus System (IEEE Test Case)
I. Introduction:
\(\bullet\) The IEEE 118 Bus Test Case represents a portion of the American Electric Power System (in the Midwestern US) as of December, 1962. It was entered in IEEE Common Data Format and PECO PSAP Format by Rich Christie at the University of Washington in 1993.
\(\bullet\) This test case consists of 118-bus, 19 generators, 35 synchronous condensers, 177 lines, 9 transformers, and 91 loads.
\(\bullet\) Most of the bus names in the file were obtained from the one line diagram distributed with the package. The names were in a small font size, and after many generations of copying legibility was poor, so errors of transcription may have occurred. Other bus names are simply made up.
\(\bullet\) The base KV levels in the bus names are a very rough guess. The line MVA limits were not part of the original data and are made up.
\(\bullet\) As a test case, this one has a lot of voltage control devices and is quite robust, converging in 5 or so iterations with a fast decoupled power flow.
\(\bullet\) The diagram can be consulted at [9] and the data for the rate lines can be seen at [10] and finally the data for generators have been taken from [11].
II. Single-Line Diagram:
\(\bullet\) The original diagram is available in III.
III. Files:
\(\bullet\) Original Diagram (600dpi, TIFF Format) [Download]
\(\bullet\) IEEE Common Data Format (CDF Format) [Download]
\(\bullet\) Data in PECO PSAP Format (PSAP Format) [Download]
\(\bullet\) Extended Information A (PDF & TEXT Formats "Russian Language") [Download]
\(\bullet\) Extended Information B (PDF & MATPOWER Formats) [Download]
\(\bullet\) Extended Information C (PDF, EXCEL & WORD Formats) [Download]
\(\bullet\) PowerWorld Simulator (Company Website) [Download]
\(\bullet\) PowerWorld Simulator (University of Illinois) [Download]
\(\bullet\) MATPOWER [Download]
IV. Citation Policy:
If you publish material based on databases obtained from this repository, then, in your acknowledgments, please note the assistance you received by using this repository. This will help others to obtain the same data sets and replicate your experiments. We suggest the following pseudo-APA reference format for referring to this repository:
Ali R. Al-Roomi (2015). Power Flow Test Systems Repository [https://al-roomi.org/power-flow]. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: Dalhousie University, Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Here is a BiBTeX citation as well:
author = {Ali R. Al-Roomi},
title = {{Power Flow Test Systems Repository}},
year = {2015},
address = {Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada},
institution = {Dalhousie University, Electrical and Computer Engineering},
url = {https://al-roomi.org/power-flow}
V. References:
[1] Rich Christie, "Power Systems Test Case Archive," Aug. 1993, [Accessed Feb. 4, 2015]. [Online]. Available: http://www.ee.washington.edu/research/pstca/pf118/pg_tca118bus.htm
[2] M. V. Khokhlov, "Test Circuit (translated from Russian language: Тестовые схемы)," 2008 [Accessed Mar. 24, 2015]. [Online]. Available: http://energy.komisc.ru/dev/test_cases/
[3] The University of Edinburgh: School of Mathematics, "Test Case Archive of Optimal Power Flow (OPF) Problems with Local Optima," [Accessed Mar. 24, 2015]. [Online]. Available: http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/optenergy/LocalOpt/118busnetwork_other.html
[4] Illinois Institute of Technology: Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Nov. 2003 [Accessed Mar. 22, 2015]. [Online]. Available: http://motor.ece.iit.edu/data/IEEE118bus_inf/
[5] PowerWorld Corporation, "Exercises for Students," Apr. 2013 [Accessed Nov. 16, 2014]. [Online]. Available: http://www.powerworld.com/solutions/excercises/
[6] The Illinois Center for a Smarter Electric Grid (ICSEG), "Power Cases," [Accessed Feb. 4, 2015]. [Online]. Available: http://publish.illinois.edu/smartergrid/ieee-118-bus-system/
[7] Ray D. Zimmerman, Carlos E. Murillo-Sánchez and others, "MATPOWER: A MATLAB Power System Simulation Package," [Accessed Mar. 21, 2015]. [Online]. Available: http://www.pserc.cornell.edu/matpower/
[8] Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt, "IEEE 118 Bus Test," [Accessed Mar. 19, 2015]. [Online]. Available: http://fglongatt.org/OLD/Test_Case_IEEE_118.html
[9] C. H. Liang, C. Y. Chung, K. P. Wong and X. Z. Duan, "Parallel Optimal Reactive Power Flow Based on Cooperative Co-Evolutionary Differential Evolution and Power System Decomposition," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 249-257, Feb. 2007.
[10] S. A. Blumsack. "Network Topologies and Transmission Investment Under Electric-Industry Restructuring," Ph.D. Dissertation, Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA, 2006.
[11] P. M. Anderson and A. A. Fouad. Power System Control and Stability. New York: IEEE Press, 2003.