Adding the 42-Bus Test System to Our Optimal Relay Coordination Test Systems Repository | April 26, 2020

Hi Dears,
I'm pleased to announce that one of the biggest test systems, used in the optimal relay coordination (ORC) problems, is now available in our repository. This test system consists of 42-bus, which is known in the literature as the IEEE Std. 399-1997 system. All the necessary data required to do your numerical analysis are available in different formats. Such data are CT-ratios, primary/backup (P/B) relay pairs, short-circuit currents seen by both primary and backup relays, etc. This test system has both OCRs and DOCRS, and it can be used with both conventional and double primary relay strategy (DPRS) problems.
We are working on other test systems belonging to this repository and other power system repositories.
To browse the 42-test system, all you need is to go to the "power systems" main menu located on the left side, then go to the "coordination" section, and finally click on the "42-bus system".
Or you can simply click on the following direct link:
Ali R. Al-Roomi