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Optimal Coordination of Power Protective Devices with Illustrative Examples | Jan. 01, 2022

Hi Colleagues,
I'm pleased to announce that our academic book specialized in the optimal coordination of power protective devices has been recently published by Wiley-IEEE Press. It is the first book of its kind as the literature lacks any book focused on this highly active research area.
Optimal Coordination of Power Protective Devices with Illustrative Examples
Provides practical guidance on the coordination issue of power protective relays and fuses
Protecting electrical power systems requires devices that isolate the components that are under fault while keeping the rest of the system stable. Optimal Coordination of Power Protective Devices with Illustrative Examples provides a thorough introduction to the optimal coordination of power systems protection using fuses and protective relays.
Integrating fundamental theory and real-world practice, the text begins with an overview of power system protection and optimization, followed by a systematic description of the essential steps in designing optimal coordinators using only directional overcurrent relays. Subsequent chapters present mathematical formulations for solving many standard test systems, and cover a variety of popular hybrid optimization schemes and their mechanisms. The author also discusses a selection of advanced topics and extended applications including adaptive optimal coordination, optimal coordination with multiple time-current curves, and optimally coordinating multiple types of protective devices. Optimal Coordination of Power Protective Devices:
\( \ \ \ \ \bullet\) Covers fuses and overcurrent, directional overcurrent, and distance relays
\( \ \ \ \ \bullet\) Explains the relation between fault current and operating time of protective relays
\( \ \ \ \ \bullet\) Discusses performance and design criteria such as sensitivity, speed, and simplicity
\( \ \ \ \ \bullet\) Includes an up-to-date literature review and a detailed overview of the fundamentals of power system protection
\( \ \ \ \ \bullet\) Features numerous illustrative examples, practical case studies, and programs coded in MATLABĀ® programming language
Optimal Coordination of Power Protective Devices with Illustrative Examples is the perfect textbook for instructors in electric power system protection courses, and a must-have reference for protection engineers in power electric companies, and for researchers and industry professionals specializing in power system protection.
Back Cover:
Short Table of Contents | List of Chapters:
The book is self-contained, which means that the reader will not need to refer to any other sources to grasp the idea behind each topic. In another word, the book is independent of other resources. It has 17 chapters, which are listed as follows:
Chapter 1: Fundamental Steps in Optimization Algorithms
Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Power System Protection
Chapter 3: Mathematical Modeling of Inverse-Time Overcurrent Relay Characteristics
Chapter 4: Upper Limit of Relay Operating Time
Chapter 5: Directional Overcurrent Relays and the Importance of Relay Coordination
Chapter 6: General Mechanism to Optimally Coordinate Directional Overcurrent Relays
Chapter 7: Optimal Coordination of Inverse-Time DOCRs with Unified TCCC
Chapter 8: Incorporating LP and Hybridizing It with Meta-heuristic Algorithms
Chapter 9: Optimal Coordination of DOCRs With OCRs and Fuses
Chapter 10: Optimal Coordination with Considering Multiple Characteristic Curves
Chapter 11: Optimal Coordination with Considering the Best TCCC
Chapter 12: Considering the Actual Settings of Different Relay Technologies in the Same Network
Chapter 13: Considering Double Primary Relay Strategy
Chapter 14: Adaptive ORC Solver
Chapter 15: Multi-objective Coordination
Chapter 16: Optimal Coordination of Distance and Overcurrent Relays
Chapter 17: Trending Topics and Existing Issues
List of Appendices:
The book contains some supporting appendices, such as:
Appendix A: Some Important Data Used in Power System Protection
Appendix B: Linearizing Relay Operating Time Models
Appendix C: Derivation of the First Order Thermal Differential Equation
Appendix D: List of ORC Test Systems (22 test systems with full data and information are provided so that the researchers can directly simulate them in their optimizers)
We try to maximize the understanding level by showing different examples. In addition to illustrative examples, we provide many MATLAB codes as weapons to accomplish this task. The book contains more than 180 files of .m and .slx types. Also, we provide some examples done in some professional software used in electric power systems engineering.
The illustrative examples will handle the hard-to-understand mathematical expressions, while the programming examples will lift the readers to a professional level and will let them conduct their own researches, independently.
All these codes and soft files can be downloaded through the link that will be provided by the publisher.
At the end of each chapter, we give a variety of illustrative and computer exercises. Solving them will expand the understanding and grasping the whole ideas behind the topics.
The book has a companion website where the instructors can download the solution manual for the illustrative exercises and the codes for the computer exercises. There are more than 550 files ready to download. They are organized according to their chapters as well as the exercise number.
This solution manual and the soft coding files can save a significant amount of time that could be spent by instructors to solve them. Also, the instructors can modify them to develop their own assignment and exam problems or use them in their researches.
How to get it (printed & e-book):
There are many ways to get this book. The following list gives some sources to buy it online:
[1] https://www.wiley.com/en-gb/Optimal+Coordination+of+Power+Protective+Devices+with+Illustrative+Examples-p-9781119794912 or https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/book/10.1002/9781119794929
[2] https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/book/9635025
[3] https://www.amazon.com/Optimal-Coordination-Protective-Illustrative-Examples/dp/1119794854
[6] https://thereadingwarehouse.com/book.php?ISBN=9781119794851
[11] https://www.dymocks.com.au/book/optimal-coordination-of-power-protective-devices-with-illustrative-examples-by-ali-r-al-roomi-9781119794905
Be the first and get your copy now! there is a limited number of copies available in the bookshops.
More copies are coming soon...
Ali R. Al-Roomi